I want you

I want you so baaad

I want youuyouyouyouuu

The Beatles have been able to put my exact thoughts and feeling into an amazing song.

Mimi has fallen for a guy, and she’s fallen hard.

Who is this mystery boy you ask?

He’s the same boy the last two posts were about.

Yup, the situation is kinda bad. Since then, we’ve become closer. I see him almost every day, and we text almost every day. I mentioned before how I’ve never really liked a guy like this before, and 6 months later this statement still stands. I thought I’d be over him by now, I usually accept the fact that it’s never going to happen and move on to the next one. Yes, I still have baby crushes left and right; but he’s the one I’ll be thinking about before I go to sleep (not like that you pervs, by pervs I mean you, yeah you. You know who you are :P).

 Do I want him? Yes, but I still would rather have him as a friend than nothing at all. 

What if in an alternate hypothetical parallel magic land universe, it happens. What then? I’d be excitedly nervous. I wouldn’t know what to do. But I think those thoughts shouldn’t be stressed out about just yet. Mimi’s got a looong lonng way to go.

What exactly am I hoping to establish with this post? I’m not really sure, but I feel like writing sometimes (all the time) makes me think and gets my thoughts straightened out. Although my written thoughts might not be that straightened out, and you might not know what I’m talking about.blukh

I need a beer, bas ma fi beera bil berad 😦




About Shou Hayda

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