Shu hayda’ll night

It’s really funny how things turn out.

It was just yesterday that I was reading about this random girl’s weird night, wondering how stupid she could be for putting herself in such a situation. Little did I know, that just a day later I’d find myself in a stupid situation of my own. Now obviously, it was not as dramatic as that girl’s night, but still… I haven’t been weirded out like this before.

Here’s how it went down.

I was supposed to go to this work event in down town, but I didn’t know the place exactly. My colleague/boss-ish dude person was near by, so we decided to meet up and try to find the place together. He told me he’s at this posh lounge/club thing with friends and that I should come. Under-dressed and feeling awkward, I made my way to the intimidating bouncer who gave me a weird look for not wearing heels but let me in. I stepped into the super crowded place, trying to find the dude. He finally spotted me and ushered me to his area where his friends were. He had had a few drinks, and was a bit weee. He was trying to dance, failing miserably. He ordered me a drink and a shot that followed. HE kept dancing next to me, hands going places. Me trying to smile and brush it off. Now, he’s not a bad looking person or a bad person in general. But we work together, he’s kinda my boss. We’re supposed to be going to a work thing. As chill as I am with hook ups, I’m definitely uncomfortable when people who i’m supposed to be professional with are all touchy with me (especially when I’m not drunk :P). Finally, he gets the check and insists on paying for my drink. I let it slide, because honestly… sometimes there’s not arguing with drunk people. We decide to walk to the location, which happened to be a good 6 blocks away. We get to the work event, and it’s super packed with odd people from the weirdest parts of town. I decided then and there that I wanna go see my friend in Hamra, and I mention this to the dude that after we’re finished here I’m going to hamra. He says “”ok cool, I’ll come with you”. We leave the event and get a service, who insists on “Taxi” for our 4 minute cab ride from downtown to hamra, fucking asshole shit head. We tell him “4 thou hamra, or kol khara”(minus the kol khara part, i wish we said that though). He drops us off in the beginning of hamra, leaving us with a 10 minute walk to the pub that we’re supposed to go to. On the way, the dude bumps into me a couple of times. Hands going to my waist. Me trying to just smile it off. AHHH so fucking awkward. Honestly, I’m not weirded out by touchy people, especially when I know they’re drunk, it’s part of the “”LOL you so drunk”charm, but with this guy… idk it just was so not smooth and SO awkward. We get to the pub and he decides that he needs to “wee wee”. Oh gawd. the pub was SOOO packed, no place to sit or stand or breathe. A random girl just grabbed my face and starred into my eyes. Another random person grabbed me to dance. If I was with friends or slightly buzzed, it would all have been fun but in my current ughness mood, I was NOT feeling it. So I finally get him upstairs so he can “wee wee” and wait outside for him to finish. We decide to go eat, since the place is way too crowded. I catch a glimpse of my friend while he works, he gives me a “what are you doing here?”look and I smile. We get to a restaurant to eat. It gets a little bit more awkward because it’s just the two of us now and we kinda have to look at each other. He tried to be funny, he puts his hand on my waist, he makes weird conversation. Awkward, sloppy, ugh, i don’t know how to describe it. We order and wait for our food, with more awkward conversation. Our food is finally here, yeayy, I was starving. We had eaten maybe two bites, when he got a phone call from a friend. She apparently had just broken up with her boyfriend and wanted to go cruising. He said ok yalla 10 mins. He asks me what I’m doing after, and I say oh probably meeting friends. I text everyone I know who might possibly be close by, but no one was around. Two minutes later, his friend is parked outside, waiting for him. We get the bill, this time I don’t let him pay my part. We go outside, he gives me an awkward hug goodbye and I walked away. As I’m writing this, you probably don;t get why I was feeling these things but I just don’t know how to explain it, except with uncomfortable and awkward. And in that state, I really I didn’t want to go home. Since I had a pass for the night. I decided to go to the pub and take my friend’s keys. 

This is how I ended up on the couch of my friend’s place, writing this post on his laptop, contemplating the weirdest night.

It’s really funny how things turn out. I thought tonight was going to be a night of music and booze at the work event, followed by some friends in Hamra making fun of our friend while he works. But alas, nothing ever turns out how you think it’s going to be.

The worst part is that I didn’t get to drink properly, which sucks because it was  a night where i actually could because i didn’t take my car. Ugh

Mimi’s going to go drink now,




About Shou Hayda

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